Formulated specifically for cats. Declare war on fleas and ticks on your cat and around your home with Vet's Best Flea and Tick Gentle-Mist Spray for Cats. Unique blend of certified natural peppermint oil and eugenol (from Clove plants) kills fleas, flea eggs, and ticks by contact; and the non-staining formula can be used without fear on surfaces in your home. Can be used directly on cats and kittens age 12 weeks or older when used as directed.
- Vet's Best Flea and Tick Gentle-Mist Spray for Cats kills fleas, flea eggs, and ticks by contact. Also repels mosquitoes!
- Carefully formulated for application directly on kittens and cats 12 weeks or older. Safe for use around the whole family when used as directed.
- Plant-Based Alternative - Battles fleas and ticks without harsh chemicals, but instead uses certified natural essential oils and plant-based ingredients, such as peppermint oil and eugenol (from clove plants).
Peppermint Oil; Eugenol; Sodium Lauryl Sulfate; Water; Sodium Benzoate